Oshtree Training & Consultancy

E-Learning/Blended Learning

ProQual Level 3 Award in Environmental Management


1.  Understand key global environmental issues and the concept of sustainability.

2.  Understand the advantages and disadvantages of implementing an accredited environmental management system.

3.  Understand the purpose of and process involved in developing an effective environmental policy.

4.  Understand how to identify and evaluate an organisation’s environmental aspects and impacts.

5.  Understand the structure, function and operation of environmental law.

6.  Understand how an environmental management system can be implemented.

7.  Understand the purpose and processes of checking environmental performance including monitoring and measuring, corrective and preventative actions and auditing.

8.  Understand the reasons for producing an environmental report.


  • Assessed by Multiple Choice Examination – 60 questions with 90 mins to complete. 
  • 6 months access to complete the qualification, Includes examination, assessment and certification.